Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, the school year is off to a most excellent start! the football season is off to a 2 win 1 loss start which I think is pretty good . We go to Seguin high school here in Arlington tonight. Justin had four really good catches in the last game so hopefully things will continue to go in their favor . He is also doing very well grade wise - all a's ( no big surprise there )
Hailey is doing speech this year & really enjoys it . she is getting ready for her first tournament in October. They are doing what they call Readers Theatre which I'm assuming is similar to OM. They also have been doing alot of improv in class . She has also decided to join the debate team . We are really proud of her for that . It's something she seems to enjoy & she has had lots of practice arguing!!
Ashley has been discharged from the army as bad as I hate so say it. Don't know a whole lot except it was the phsychiatrist who decided she could no longer stay.That's about all I'm going to say about her because it is frustrating to me & I don't feel like being mad today. Hey, it's Justin's night & I'm not gonna let a bad mood spoil it .
Grey & I are okay . We are taking a fiancial class at a local church & are really liking it. This is something they need to teach in school!
till later Familia !!!